Numismatic Data in RAWGraphs & Palladio

Numismatic Dataset

This is a dataset from MANTIS that includes the Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic coins from between 400 and 500 CE. We’ve made a few minor changes:

Download the sample dataset here (right-click and save as a csv)


RAWGraphs is an easy interface for experimenting with and creating visualizations. It doesn’t do a great job with incorrectly formulated data, and it sometimes breaks in ways that are confusing. It also doesn’t give you many great options to add the labels and keys that you want.

To use or export any of the visualizations, you can scroll to the bottom and either copy and paste the SVG Code embed into a website, or use the ‘download’ option on the left.

What’s in this collection? Can we get a bird’s eye view of the collection?

What can we learn from this?

Which portraits did given “Authorities” (rulers) put on coins? Conversely, which rulers most often put a given portrait on a coin?

We can make a visualization that shows both at once!

What can you tell from this visualization?

Which portraits appeared with which deities?

Make an Alluvial Diagram to evaluate this

How did the materials and weights change over time?

What trends do you see? Keep the creation of the “year_avg” field in mind.

What were the standard diameters for each department?

What can you say about the differences and variability in coin diameter amongst different departments?

What were the standard diameters for each ruler?

How might you do this? You may need to increase the width of your visualization by quite a bit.


Palladio is a great web app for making simple maps, network graphs, and galleries of images. It doesn’t have all of the features that many other tools do, but it’s great for quickly asking questions and visualizing a dataset.

At any point, you may click on the ‘Download’ button in the top right corner to download your entire project - if you want to return to work on it, you can upload it to the Palladio web app and pick up where you left off.

You can save particular visualizations by clicking on the Export button.

Where were these coins meant to circulate?

What does this tell you about the coin collection?

Where were the Roman coins circulated?

What can we tell from this map?

What are the relationships between Region and Diety?

How useful is this visualization?

Is this better? What if we put a facet in to remove all of the blank or uncertain coins?

What can we tell from this visualization?

How can we visualize these relationships only through the latter half of our datset?

How did that change the visualization?

How can we show and sort the images of the coins that we have available to us?


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