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Markdown Tutorial

Created by Autumn Painter
Maintained by LEADR under the direction of Alice Lynn McMichael

Last Updated: 12/16/2017


To make headings, start the line with a hash #. The more #, the smaller the header. Be sure to put a space between the # and the word.

For Example:


One #


Two ##


Three ###


Four ####


To create bold text, wrap text with two astericks (**) or two underscores (__) on each side.

To creat italic text, wrap text with one asterick (*) or two underscores (__) on each side.

Links can either be inline with the text, or placed at the bottom of the text as references. Link text is enclosed by square brackets [], and for inline links, the link URL is inclosed by the parens ().

[ text ](webaddress)

##Images Images are almost identical to links, but an image starts with and exclamation point (!)



To creat a blockquote, start a line with a greater than > followed by an optional space.

Blockquotes can also be nested using multiple greater than signs and can contain other formating

First Line - one > sign

Second Line - two > signs

Third Line - three > signs


Unordered lists can use either astericks (*), plus (+) or hypens (-) as list markers followed by a space before the text.

Ordered lists use numbers followed by a period.

  1. Number 1
  2. Number 2

Nested Lists

To nest one list within another, indent each item in the sublist by four spaces. You can also nest other elements like paragraphs, blockquotes or code blocks.

For showing code or markdown

To make your code appear like this encase your text/code with backticks (`) one on each side

Tools to write in Markdown:

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